Lady Alopecia’s Complete Folexin Reviews

What Makes Folexin Special?

Lady Alopecia with Folexin

I’ve tried a zillion hair loss products – so I’m wary of ‘miracle treatments’. But Folexin hair growth supplements don’t promise a cure for alopecia. They simply offer a few natural ingredients (like Fo Ti), which can support healthy hair and the natural hair growth process.

And from the Folexin reviews I’ve read, I’m not the only one who admires this brand.

Coming up: My HONEST review of Folexin as a healthy hair and hair growth supplement – more on the reviews that aren’t honest in a sec! Plus, its ingredients, side effects, how to use it for hair growth…and how to check if Folexin is right for your thinning hair. Happy reading!

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Hi there, I’m an alopecian, I’m not a doctor! Any advice I give is based on my own research and personal experiences . This site is, however, reader-supported. When you buy through external links, I may earn a tiny affiliate commission. Learn more here. I also keep the lights on by selling my own headscarves and alopecia merch.
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Why I’m Reviewing Folexin

Alopecia girl screaming
Yep, that's my angry face!

I want to be entirely honest: I haven’t actually tried this product for hair growth yet. That’s because, when I started an anti-inflammatory diet a few years back, I realized soy was one of my ‘trigger foods’ – and Folexin, unfortunately, contains soy. 

So why write a review about a product I haven’t tried?!

Because I keep coming across certain “hair loss websites” with Folexin reviews. One in particular uses all her other reviews to badmouth other (very decent) hair growth and thinning hair products – just to push the hard sale for Folexin supplements. 

When I Googled the author of these posts (who keeps saying that she’s had alopecia), she doesn’t seem to exist. I’m fairly sure it’s a made-up person!

I know this happens with many affiliate sites but it really bothers me. To pretend you’ve experienced the pain of hair loss in order to make a quick buck is NOT COOL!

Lady Alopecia’s Honest Disclaimer

I’m transparent about the fact that I make commission off some hair growth products I recommend (as my disclaimer will tell you). But I would never:

a) pretend I’ve tried hair loss products when I haven’t

b) pretend I’ve got alopecia in the first place

That’d be impossible to do. My shiny bald head speaks for itself!

So I wrote this post for an objective, REAL review of Folexin’s natural hair growth vitamins. Now let’s get to it!

What Is Folexin? Brand & Background

Our story begins with a natural health company called Vita Balance Inc, based in Virginia. They make a dietary hair growth supplement called Folexin (formerly Foligen), which offers an affordable approach to healthy hair and natural hair growth…right from the hair follicles.

Folexin supports the natural hair growth process, using ingredients like Fo Ti to move from the telogen (resting) phase into the anagen (growth) phase without getting stuck in the middle.

It’s supposed to boost your hair health to reduce thinning hair, help your skin glow (in a non-sweaty way) and bring a lovely sheen to your healthy hair (in a non-greasy way). Woohoo!

The Lady Recommends...

5 Benefits Of Folexin For Healthy Hair

Folexin supplements work to promote healthy hair, strong hair and thicker hair – while supporting natural hair growth for men and women.

Here’s how they help:

  1. Kickstart your natural hair growth cycle with Fo Ti and keep that healthy hair growing even when you’ve finished your supply.
  2. Bring natural ingredients to your hair follicles – as opposed to harmful substances with bad side effects for your general and hair health, like Minoxidil.
  3. Protect from environmental damage (chlorine, UV rays, traffic fumes) – to keep your healthy hair, skin and immune system in optimal condition no matter what the world flings at them!
  4. Let you glow from inside out, with smooth skin, thicker hair growth, healthy hair and more energy, too!
  5. Rest assured, there’s NO scary subscription or recurring billing model (like popular hair growth treatment Keranique). Which makes me like these guys way more!

Folexin Ingredients

Folexin is made for men and women in the US, at an FDA-approved facility that follows GMP guidelines. The result? A powerful little hair growth treatment that contains plenty of vitamins, minerals and herbal extracts for healthy hair.

The key hair health ingredients are:


Also known as Vitamin B7 or Vitamin H, biotin’s in lots of skin, hair growth and nail treatments. Why? ‘Cos this nutrient works with specific enzymes in your body to promote healthy protein generation (and as a result, healthy hair production).

If you’re deficient in biotin, you might notice dry or brittle hair and nails, or have patchy dry areas on your skin in addition to hair loss and thinning hair. Folexin supplements can help those areas, too!

They also foster a healthy metabolism and nervous system PLUS digestive and cardiovascular functioning, to further support healthy hair growth. Biotin is water-soluble too, meaning it’s easy to digest. Good to know.

Saw Palmetto

This popular ingredient supports the hormonal factors at play in healthy hair growth. As this study shows it helps block (5α-R), an enzyme that converts testosterone into a hormone called DHT (which can shrink the hair follicles and is linked to hair loss).

Sure, many hair loss treatments inhibit DHT – but often in a much harsher, chemical-heavy way that can cause headaches, dizziness and irritation of the skin.

Saw palmetto uses a much gentler, anti-inflammatory approach to treat thinning hair and support natural hair growth. Plus, it’s an antioxidant that actually helps hair follicles recover from previous damage. Yay!

Vitamin B5, B6 & Folic Acid

The other B vitamins play an important role in hair health and hair growth, too. But Vitamin B5 in particular (also called pantothenic acid) is an essential nutrient used in the process of making protein for thicker, healthy hair. It’s known for its soothing, healing and regenerating properties.

Shout-out to Vitamin B9 – also known as folic acid – which helps your body make red blood cells and absorb those essential nutrients from your food. In doing so, folic acid naturally supports hair follicles (and natural hair growth) in both men and women. 

And not forgetting Vitamin B6, which activates the chemical reactions involved in the production of keratin and melanin and is top-dog for healthy hair and skin. In addition to helping hair growth, it supports brain function, too.

I don’t care how great the A-Team was. For me, it’s all about Team B!


A lesser-known hair growth ingredient, the important element known as Fo-Ti has A LOT to offer in terms of fighting hair loss and thinning hair. Fo-Ti, or Polygonum Multiflorum, has been used as a medicinal herb in China for centuries: to support both general and hair health and anti-aging.

Fo ti is also used to support the natural hair growth process and to maintain healthy hair.

Present in popular hair growth brand Vegamour (one of my favorites!), Fo Ti has been shown to induce the anagen (growth) phase of the hair cycle in dormant hair follicles and to encourage cells at the root of the hair to multiply faster. 

Although more research is needed into the effectiveness into Fo Ti as a natural hair growth ingredient, I think Fo Ti sounds like a pretty great addition to any healthy hair treatment! 

More Natural Hair Growth Ingredients:


Does Folexin Really Work For Hair Growth?

As I mentioned, I haven’t been able to try these hair loss supplements while I’m off soy – but I have researched lots of reviews from other bloggers (taking everything with a pinch of salt!), taken into account testimonials from Lady Alopecia readers, plus scoured customer reviews online, too.

From what I’ve read, I don’t think it’s going to stop hair loss all by itself, or suddenly regrow your hair. If a pill could do that, trust me, I’d take it – AIP diet be damned!

It’s worth noting that even the brand itself doesn’t claim to “fix” hair loss. On its homepage, it clearly states: 

“Folexin is designed to support the natural hair growth process; it’s not a hair loss treatment.”

So while ingredients like saw palmetto and Fo Ti DO work in terms of supporting hair follicles to help hair growth, plus giving people healthy hair, skin, nails and a happy gut – they’re not going to miraculously stop your hair falling out.

But like I say time and time again, a healthy gut can deliver some amazing results! So combined with the right lifestyle and diet, this approach could be a natural, low-risk way to tackle your hair loss and promote healthy hair growth.

Mmm, health.

How To Use Folexin

It’s simple: just take two pills a day, with food. (So a single bottle of 60 capsules will last 30 days.) 

Note: If you’re on any other medication, and if your doctor has said it’s ok to take Folexin supplements for hair growth, make sure you leave one hour between dosages. Because some Folexin ingredients might reduce the effect of certain medicines. And we don’t want that to happen.

Are You A Forgetful Type?

Sticking to a daily hair loss treatment might be tricky. So leave your bottle of Folexin by your kettle, where you’ll see it in the morning, pop a note on your fridge or even set a reminder for the same time each day. 

Make sure you’ve stocked up on enough Folexin to last a few months. Consistency is key with natural hair growth supplements, so you don’t want a long gap before your next batch arrives.

Special offer : Buy 4, Get 5th Free!

To avoid running out of something that could genuinely help, stock up on Folexin from the outset. On their site right now, they’re offering a deal where you buy 4 bottles and the 5th is free. That’s a 5-month supply and by the end of it, you’ll know for sure whether it’s helped your hair grow! As a Lady Alopecia reader, you can also get 5% off when you order online with the code: FIVE$39532113

Customers' Folexin Reviews

Emma looking confused if her hair loss is coming to an end
But what do I know? Let's hear from Folexin customers!

I’ve included a few customer reviews below – the positive and the negative, from men and women. 

You might notice, even the negative ones aren’t actually that negative. 

  • No bad side effects – just no difference in hair growth noted
  • Nothing about terrible customer service or delivery scams like with big brands like Nutrafol (in fact, delivery is super-quick!)
  • Many admit they’re only a month or two in and need to wait longer to watch their hair grow


Of course, reviews on are selective. And Amazon ones can be spam. So I’ve included a testimonial from a Lady Alopecia reader, which she messaged me about on Facebook (thanks, Nancy!) You can also read about Pamela’s experience in the comments below.

1) Reviews on

Trina, 5 stars

I’m 38 years old and my hair was falling out with every shampoo. I purchased two bottles and just after two weeks of using Folexin my hair is no longer falling out in the shower and I’m shedding less throughout the day. I am excited to see the long term effects of this natural hair growth product and am very happy so far with my healthy hair! 

Sue, 4 stars

I nearly gave up after 1 month, however pleased that I ordered again. My hair is thicker, healthier and has a shine to it. I thought it might be the placebo effect but family and friends have also noticed my hair growth.

2) Amazon Reviews

David, 5 stars

I have been using Rogaine for 15 years. It seems to have slowed the balding process but there really wasn’t that much new growth. I have been taking Folexin for almost 2 months. My hair looks and feels healthier and I have natural hair growth that I can actually see coming in at the hair follicles. I am very pleased with these healthy hair results.

Michael A, 2 stars

I’ve used the product for two months, and I have not seen any change in terms of hair growth. So maybe I have not used it long enough, not sure. But as of right now no results!

3) Review from a Lady Alopecia reader

Nancy, via FB Messenger

I’ve had wonderful hair growth success with Folexin and LOVE that I was able to get so much of it because I have been giving it to my 15-year-old daughter and husband too since it has the zinc and vitamins they recommend taking with all this COVID going around. 

I had a huge bald spot, size of my palm. I believe that researching and finding your support page and acting quickly to take the Folexin [helped]. I also bought the Revita shampoo/cond and used all immediately and consistently. The entire patch is growing back, I have about a 1/2 inch of hair growth already, and not blotchy at all…super thick! The hair itself is very fine, and more grays than I had before…But I am sooo amazed and relieved! 

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Buyer’s Guide: Is Folexin Right For Me?

Well, it’s hard to say. Especially when it comes to dietary supplements, what works for one person might not work for the next.

Men and women are different, complex beings with varying levels of vitamins and minerals in our bodies. Our hair loss may have been caused or triggered by different factors (including lifestyle, damaged hair follicles by free radicals, hormonal hair loss or a poor diet) and so the hair loss treatment that resolves it/how long natural hair growth takes will differ, too.

But that’s not to say it isn’t worth a shot! And Folexin can really help you if…

1. You Have Dry Hair, Skin & Nails

If your hair is brittle, if your skin is dry or if your nails are pitted and cracked, it could mean you’re low in biotin. And one of Folexin’s star ingredients is biotin, plus a range of other nourishing vitamins for healthy hair.

2. You’ve Got Digestive Issues

If you suffer from IBS or other digestive problems, Folexin can help ease your symptoms. It has 5 different B vitamins (B1, B5, B6, B9 and B12) which, according to this article “protect the abdomen from distress and ensure the stomach and intestines work.”

They also help you get energy from your food. (Side note: When I was diagnosed with gut dysbiosis, I learned my B vitamin levels were extremely low – so even though I ate healthily, I wasn’t able to absorb key nutrients. I needed a B vitamin complex to turn it all around.)

Folexin also contains iron (lowers inflammation in the gut and immune system), Vitamin C (helps the body absorb iron), zinc (reduces the chance of leaky gut syndrome) and magnesium (stabilizes blood sugar and plays a big role in good gut health).

3. You Suffer From Anxiety/Insomnia

Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant and, if we’re getting enough of it, helps us  get a good sleep. So if you’re feeling wound-up and unable to nod off at night, these magnesium-rich Folexin supplements, which include general health booster Fo Ti, will be a welcome addition to your nightstand.

More Vitamin D can boost your overall mood and brain function while the Vitamin B family works to balance out depressive moods and support healthy serotonin levels.

Contraindications: When To Avoid

folexin with some leaves

Unfortunately, Folexin isn’t for everyone. And it’s best avoided in the following circumstances.

  • You have a soy allergy: in which case, you could try a non-soy hair growth supplement, like Nutrafol. I also love the sound of Hair La Vie products for healthy hair; if you buy direct from their website rather than Amazon.
  • You’re on an autoimmune protocol (AIP) diet or a similar elimination diet that restricts soy 
  • You already take a bunch of different hair growth or other supplements: check with a trusted healthcare practitioner first
  • If you’re under the age of 16: Folexin is for adults only
  • If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding: Check with your doctor or nurse first
  • Taking any other medication? Check with your doctor or nurse first

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Common Questions

You can buy it on Amazon or get Folexin from the manufacturer here. (It’s actually cheaper to do it this way, considering the deals they’re offering!)

You should take 2 capsules daily, with meals.

None that I’ve come across so far – only that it may not work for everyone in terms of more natural hair growth!

A single bottle will cost you around $25 dollars so in my opinion (and so you don’t leave a gap between shipments!), it’s better to stock up on the 2-pack (around $45) or the 5-pack deal.

Final Thoughts: Wish I Could Try It!

If I didn’t need to avoid soy, I’d be “folexing” my arm muscle to order some Folexin! (Sorry, that was terrible!) But I do genuinely think it sounds like a great product for natural hair growth, or even just better hair health.

  • It’s inexpensive
  • I trust the brand
  • Folexin reviews are really positive


Sure, it might take a while to see hair growth results. But good things come to those who wait, right?!

If you DO try Folexin, please keep me posted about your hair growth progress. And if you’ve used it already, you’re welcome to share your experience in the comments below!

I hope this REAL review has been helpful. And I look forward to hearing your feedback, too!

Lady Alopecia Signature
Emma in a bubble

Lady Alopecia

Alopecian. Yoga Teacher. Copywriter. Here to share information, offer support and show people the adventures that can lie in hair loss. I’m proud to have alopecia and I want to help others embrace their baldness, too!

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30 responses

  1. I used Folexin for over a year and I loved it. I am 30 and was noticing my hair thinning overall, especially near my temples and it actually did regrow the thinning hair and made my hair overall thicker and healthier. I had to stop taking it due to starting a prenatal and they have some similar ingredients, and my hair went back to how it was. I also stopped birth control around this time as well though and that caused a lot of shedding. I started the vegamour serum about 2 months ago and haven’t seen much results, maybe a little less shedding and some more baby hairs but, it’s still too early to tell. Anyway though, I loved Folexin and it worked really well for me!

    1. Hi Megan, thanks so much for sharing your review! It’s so interesting to hear about how your hair returned to how it was when you stopped taking it…and I hope you’ll be able to continue taking it after you finish up with those prenatal vitamins (congrats, by the way!)

      And all the best with the Vegamour serum, too!

      Take good care,

      Emma / Lady Alopecia x

  2. I recently came across your website and I’m very impressed with the information you provide. I’ve been using Viviscal for the past two years, but I’m currently looking for an alternative. My concern with Viviscal is that it contains shark, which makes me wonder about its mercury content.

    During my search for alternatives, I came across Folex, which initially caught my interest. However, upon reviewing the ingredients, I noticed that it contains PABA. PABA is banned in Canada and the EU. It was once a common sunscreen ingredient but is now avoided due to allergic dermatitis and photosensitivity. Research suggests that PABA may have carcinogenic potential. Since 2019, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) no longer recognizes PABA as safe and effective for use in sunscreen.

    Given these concerns, I am uncertain about the potential effects of taking PABA internally, considering that it might not be suitable for topical use. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find a reliable source that explains the difference.

    Your opinion would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Hi Melanie,

      Thanks so much for your question and lovely feedback about my website! And apologies for the delay in getting back to you. Interesting point you raise about Viviscal, I hadn’t actually considered that. I assume the levels are so low that you wouldn’t be at risk of toxicity levels (I had the same concern about other supplements or products containing copper peptides, but the levels were way too low to be of any risk). Still, it’s good to be cautious!

      It’s also a great concern about Folexin, another I admittedly haven’t considered as I’ve been going mainly on feedback provided to me by Lady Alopecia readers (who love it!) I can see that many companies have been banned in US and Canada (in parts of Asia, too), for their inclusion of PABA. But companies in India disputed this claim, saying PABA has been used in their healthcare products for years without any known effects. Apparently, the levels of PABA in a product need to be higher than 12mg in order to be deemed ‘unsafe’. Unfortunately, Folexin doesn’t include exactly how much PABA it contains in their ingredients list.

      I will do my best to get in touch with the company and see what they say! While I do think it would pose more of a risk as a topical treatment and might be ok to ingest, I’m not a doctor so I’d always check with your medical professional as a more reliable source first. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help, and thanks for bringing this to my attention!

      Emma / Lady Alopecia x

  3. Dear Lady A,

    I am a 74 year old female who was diagnosed with histamine intolerance about 51/2 years ago and my immunologist does not want me to take folexin. I started losing my hair a couple of years later when my older relatives, including my mother started passing away. They were mostly in there late 80’s and 90’s. Mom was last to go at 97. They were all worn out, a couple of years later I started losing hair around the crown of my head. I am using 2% Minoxidil and it is working and the thin lines are pretty well covered and I have a lot if new growth, but I hate it. I was wondering if I could replace it with Pura D’Or or some other big biotin shampoo. Sorry I rambled.

    1. Hi Carol, thanks so much for sharing your story – and I’m so very sorry to hear about you losing your mother, and your older relatives too. I speak from experience when I say I understand how hard it is to lose a parent, no matter what age you are, and it’s totally understandable that the body reacts in its own way to cope with the stress. Like you, I’m really not a fan of minoxidil. I got terrible headaches and dizzy spells when I used it in my teens and I’m pretty sure it or the corticosteroid shots I got gave me long-term gut microbiome damage. It’s good that you checked with your immunologist about Folexin, these things aren’t really recommended if you have certain intolerances…I guess that rules out Viviscal and Nutrafol too, or have you asked?

      I love Pura D’Or and have used it myself a lot (see my full review here). One shampoo I saw regrowth with was Nioxin, and another was Revita (more natural than Nioxin). Finally, I’d recommend the serums and other haircare stuff by Vegamour…maybe share the ingredients list with your doctor first and see if any of those would be ok for you to use. Remember, there’s no miracle cures here – but you can support a healthy scalp with these treatments and also see what you can do with nutrition (see my tips here) to reduce inflammation and shedding further.

      Take care Carol, and thanks for writing in,

      Emma / Lady Alopecia x

  4. I’m curious what you opinion of Nutrafol is. I’ve been taking that supplement for about 1.5yrs now. Like you have stated these supplements are not some miracle pill to grow hair, but after reading this review on Folexin, I’m wondering if i should change thing up.

    1. Debbie, it’s so interesting you asked that…I’ve literally only just come across Nutrafol (it escaped my attention until now) and I’m trying to source some to my home in Vietnam as we speak. It’s another one that seems to get pretty good reviews, but I haven’t tried it yet. I’m curious, how has your experience been with it or have you noticed any difference? As you’ve been on it for so long, maybe there’s no harm in switching to Folexin for 6 months and seeing if you notice a change. As we are all different, what works for one person may not for you…so Folexin could end up being more effective (or not)…but worth a try anyway, seeing as you’ve given Nutrafol a fair go already!

      Anyway, if I get to try Nutrafol I’ll share my experience…and if not, I’ll research its products as best I can and will share my findings on those, too. Thanks for your question!

      1. Hi Lady A!!
        Thank you for responding 🙂
        I noticed that what hair I have is strong and grows faster then before taking it. I notice that my nails are stronger too. It is very pricey, and when I found your site and saw the Folexin review I was curious since is over a 1/3 the cost of Nutrafol, my pocket book could take a break LOL. Thank you for your opinion, I really appreciate it!! I’m def going to give Folexin a try 🙂

        1. No problem at all, Debbie! It’s great that it has strengthed your existing hair and helped your nails grow, too…but yep, it’s crazy expensive compared to Folexin! Even Viviscal, which comes in at $40 a month, is much cheaper (that’s supposed to be great too…I’ll be posting a review on that soon!) All the best with Folexin if you order it and if you wouldn’t mind, please update us all after a couple of months with your progress!

          Take care 🙂

  5. I been using dermoroller and essential oils but it has made my hair thinner at the front top of my scalp. Any advice on this?

    1. Hi Sunny, thanks for your question – and I’m sorry to hear about your thinning hair after using the dermaroller. I haven’t actually used one before so I’m afraid I can’t speak from direct experience…but I did find a nightly massage of coconut oil and a couple of drops of either peppermint oil or rosemary oil to be pretty effective. Do it gently enough though, no need to massage too hard in case of breaking the hair! A supplement like Folexin should help strengthen the hair follicle anyway, to avoid the thinning you mentioned. You could also rub a raw onion around the roots (fresh ginger is great, too) to boost circulation to this area.

      I hope that helps!!

  6. May I ask if anyone has had a problem with greasy/oily hair from taking Floxein? I’m not blaming my oily greasy hair on it. Just want to clarify if anyone is experiencing it. My hair has thinned, falling out over the past few months which is why I started taking Folexin. Mine has become greasy/oily and I’m associating it with having less hair for the oil to be absorbed. Any comments or concerns about this would be greatly helpful. I’m continuing taking Folexin however because I don’t want to stop after taking it for almost 5 months now. Progress takes time. But that one subject is what I’m concerned about. Oily/greasy hair.

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience, Donna! And maybe another reader can help you out with your question…anyone else experiencing oily/greasy hair and know what to do about it?

      It’s great that the Folexin has stopped shedding though and that you’re seeing baby hairs grow in. That’s wonderful! May I ask, what shampoo do you currently use? And do you shampoo every day? Because it could be a good idea to do it every other day instead, with a shampoo that’s kind to the scalp (see my favourites for hair loss and thinning hair here). But hopefully your dermatologist can help you out, too…just avoid steroid treatments or injections if at all possible!

      Wishing you all the very best x

  7. I’ve been taking Folexin for about 5 to 5 months now. My hair has stopped falling out. Growth seems to be normal. However, I’ve been having greasy, oily hair since my hair started falling out. Which in turn left it thinner. Which is why I bought Folexin. I associate the oiliness from thinning of my hair. Hence, no wear for the oil to go. Less hair. Just purchased 2 more bottles of Folexin. Will give it 2 more months. Going to a dermatologist next week to rule out possible other causes for thinning & oiliness. Stress etc. So my final review isn’t complete yet. I do give it credit for stopping the fallout. Just being patient to see volume & fuller hair.

  8. What is your opinion on collagen for hair loss? I’ve had AA before and it appears I may have it again in a different spot; my hairdresser found it. I also think I had some type of effluvium going on for about 3-4 months. I retired almost a year ago and found it quite stressful although planned. Didn’t plan for the loss of purpose, routine, boredom or counting pennies. Who knew?

    Been taking collagen supplements for a couple months and the falling out has seemed to slow down. I also am on thyroid meds since I had to have my removed over 4 decades ago. Maybe time for a new RX of them. Was at low normal.

    Thanks for doing this website and your recommendations. Will try one of the shampoos and conditioners to start. Would like to try the folexin but since post-menopausal and thyroid meds, not sure I should be taking iron.

    1. Hi JB,

      Thanks for your question! And I’m so sorry to hear about your hair loss, also about the difficulties you’ve had since retirement. You haven’t had an easy time of it, by the sounds of things. In terms of the collagen, I would definitely recommend it. It’s actually something I took myself, in addition to going on an autoimmune protocol diet and taking a variety of other supplements. I know it’s expensive but I can definitely vouch for it…a good fish oil is important, too. And maybe you could see a nutritionist or functional medicine doctor to check your hormone or vitamin levels to see if you’re deficient in anything, it could be as simple as taking extra iron or something in addition to your thyroid meds.

      Hope whatever treatments you choose help you also…and yes, maybe better to stick to topical treaments so you don’t combine too many meds. Check out these natural remedies also!

      Wishing you all the very best, and take care,

      Emma / Lady Alopecia xo

    2. Do you think just taking one tablet a day would still yield results? I’ve tried folexin in the past but always wanted to try reducing to one tablet a day to save on cost. Do you think this would affect the outcome?

      1. I’d stick to 2 if possible Daisy, as that’s what the manufacturer suggests. But I totally understand your concern about wanting to save on cost! I guess you could try it that way (with the reduced dose) for maybe 2 weeks and see if you notice any difference? I haven’t tried it that way before though so I’m sorry, I couldn’t say for sure. Anyone else used a half dose of Folexin and seen positive results??

        1. Have seen some baby hairs growing in. My hair is fine to start with. But it’s the volume that’s worrying me. No problem with growth that I’m seeing. It seems to have stopped the fallout. I’m going on my 5th month of taking Folexin. And my hair has became very oily and greasy. I don’t associate that with taking Folexin. I assume it’s because I have less hair, hence no where for the oil to be absorbed. Going to a dermatologist next week to rule out maybe other causes. Time will tell with the Folexin. I will give it 2 more months. As I know it can take 6 months or more to really see results and volume if it’s going to happen.

    3. I had a thyroidectomy and take levothyroxine daily. If you take iron, it needs to be more than 4 hours after you take your thyroid medication. Iron is also best absorbed with a citrus juice. I take my iron at night with a glass of OJ. Also be aware that a lot of hair loss supplements will include biotin, this also cannot be taken within 4 hours of your thyroid medicine. You will also have to stop taking anything for 3 days prior to having your TSH tested.

      1. That’s really helpful, thanks Melissa! I knew about taking iron with Vitamin C or orange juice to help absorption but I’d no idea about the timing thing with iron and biotin after taking thyroid medication, thanks for letting Lady Alopecia readers know! I suspect I’ve problems with my own thyroid (one sign is that I lost the outer third of my eyebrow last year, among other symptoms) so it’s good to know I’ll have to stop taking any hair supplements a few days before getting my TSH tested. Do you know, by any chance, if I should stop taking prenatal vitamins before this, too? They don’t contain biotin but do contain iron. Thanks so much!!

  9. Hi Emma, I’m so glad I’ve stumbled across your website! I discovered 3 bald patches 3 weeks ago and threw myself into researching anything that I could possibly do to help with hair loss management and hopefully re growth. I have been taking Viviscal since discovering the patches but I’m now wondering if I should switch to Folexin as the ingredients seems more complete. Do you have any experience with Viviscal? I have 3 months worth so I’m not sure whether to ditch them and try Folexin instead. And thank you for putting a sense of humour into a distressing condition, positivity definitely helps 😊 xx

    1. Hi Hazel, thank you so much for your question and I’m really glad my website has been of help to you! I’m so sorry to hear about your bald patches and I completely understand your thirst for accurate information – as there’s a lot of snake oil peddlars out there!

      I’ll do my best to help point you in the right direction…not that there are any miracle cures, but possibly some things that can support regrowth. I have heard AMAZING things about Folexin, some positive things about Viviscal too but unfortunately, I’ve yet to try either myself. Whatever you use, I do recommend sticking to your 3-months supply first, as that’s what the manufacturer advises for the best results. I know it may be tempting to switch but you might as well finish out your supply and who knows, you may notice a difference after a month and want to continue! In the meantime, check out my post on nutrition tips and DIY treatments to further reduce inflammation yourself. The more scalp massages you can give yourself, the better! Keep as positive as you can, too…as you say yourself, it helps, as stressing about it won’t do us hair lossers any favours. Always here if you need any further support!

      Take care, and all the best to you,

      Emma / Lady Alopecia xxx

    2. I first developed AA in Fall of 2016, hair had pretty much grown back by early 2020. Then I developed bald patches again mid July 2022. Anyway, I found Viviscal PRO to be helpful. This is not found in stores, but ordered online. It is fairly costly, but worth it because it helps. When in the throes of AA, if I delayed getting my next order (thinking maybe I didn’t need it anymore) my hair would begin falling out until I started taking it again. Near the end of 2020 I didn’t use it regularly and had been doing well until this summer. I am now back to taking the supplement twice a day. All that to say, depending on the type of Viviscal you have, may want to go ahead and finish it. I too am curious about the Folexin, may try it out down the road.

      1. Thanks for the advice, Tracy! Agreed, a good supplement definitely helps. I’d actually been experiencing quite significant postpartum hair loss and lost my right eyebrow, too. Then I started taking a supplement recommended for breastfeeding mums (basically a pile of vitamins in one capsule, and a fish oil in the other one). Just one month on, my right eyebrow has returned! So I think there’s a lot to be said for these supplements, if we just remember to take them consistently and, like you say, to stock up in advance! I hope Viviscal continues to work for you and if not, that Folexin will do the job instead! 🙂

  10. Hi , I’m wondering how you purchase folexin, I live in United Kingdom, , when I went to order it wasn’t showing up to deliver out here , many thanks Sharon !

    1. Hi Sharon, thanks for your question and I’m so sorry for the late reply! And I’m also very sorry to hear you’re having difficulty in sourcing Folexin. They used to ship to the UK, I don’t know when that stopped! I found it for sale here on Ubuy if you want to try it that way? Otherwise if you know of anyone living in the countries they do ship to, perhaps they could order on your behalf and post it over. Not ideal, I know, but at least you’d be sure it is the genuine product! I’m really sorry I can’t be of more help here, though…hope you manage to get it somehow. 🙂

  11. I have medical issues that cause my hair to be thin and brittle. No thyroid, auto-immune compromised. About 7 yrs ago I had gastric sleeve surgery and I lost over half my hair. My scalp was visible all over. I had to chop all my hair off to a very short pixie cut. I tried growing my hair out but it was just too thin and brittle. I have tried various hair growth supplements, Viviscal for yrs, without much success. I have been taking Folexin for over 6-8 mos now and I have thicker hair and it is finally almost all one length except for all the 1 inch new hairs I have now. My hair seems to be growing faster and my scalp isn’t visible like before. I will continue taking Folexin for as long as it appears to be working.

    1. Hi Pamelia,

      Please forgive my late response – I’m a new mum so I’ve been offline for the past few months while I get to know my baby girl! 🙂

      And thank you for sharing your story…it sounds like you’ve been through an awful time of it and it’s so frustrating to try all those things only to have nothing work. But how amazing is it now, that you’ve found Folexin and it’s helped you?!! I’m so delighted to hear that (and interesting that Viviscal didn’t work for you, it’s really popular but Folexin is the clear winner!)

      I really appreciate your feedback. And I hope you continue to see great results!

      Wishing you all the very best, and take good care,

      Emma / Lady Alopecia xxx

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